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Public Shows
One of the biggest challenges I have in my job is that I almost never have watches to show anyone! MB&F has one extra collection of watches to show to press and at events, but the collection lives in Geneva. I think we do a pretty good job of getting people interested in our pieces, but since we have only 16 retail stores in the world and rarely an extra watch to show, most of our fans will never get to hold an MB&F.
Of course this is a double whammy because these are precisely the watches that you NEED to see in order to fully understand what we are doing. Show me a few pictures of a round watch and give me its dimensions and I have a pretty good idea of how it is in real life. Our Machines really cannot be described by pictures and specs.
When I do get a chance to present our watches to the public, I get very excited. Unquestionably my favorite part of the job is to see someone’s face light up when they first see the pieces. It is also a great chance to get feedback from our customers and potential customers who we are often one step removed from. So I am very excited that in the next few weeks I am doing three public shows and have some of my favorites from our collection to present.
And for those of you coming to the shows in NY, Phi or Mexico City, you are in for a treat. This will be the first time showing HM4 to the public. I can’t wait to hear the reactions!
Hope to see some of you soon!